
Download how to know if it is real love
Download how to know if it is real love

O'Neill has also had engaged couples come in to discuss this issue before their weddings. Feeling “the feeling” means it will last.“Often that spouse went along with what seemed to feel good, but over time realizes that they can no longer ignore certain behaviors, etc. O'Neill has seen couples in her practice who believed their meeting was love at first sight but in working through some issues in therapy, they’ve come to see that it wasn't really the truth for one of them. “Some luck out and meet a person and feel the love at first sight and have a great marriage, but it is really because they were a good match all around-and that's why I say it's luck,” she adds. “This does not mean that this person might be a good lifelong match.” Although physical attraction is needed for a healthy relationship and to be able to maintain a sexual relationship, more is needed to sustain a long term relationship. “Basically, it’s a good match of endorphins between two people and in essence, it is an indication of strong physical attraction,” she says. It is actually caused by a chemical reaction. Yes, love at first sight can be an overwhelming sensation that feels like love but it isn’t, according to Robirosa.

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